Music and Lyrics: Nathalia Palis, Brian McLaughlin Produced by: Brian McLaughlin, Shafik Palis Vocals: Nathalia Palis Featured/Background Vocals: Juan Deluque, Daniel Jimenez Afanador, Andrea Hammond, Shafik Palis, Amalia Sierra de Palis Children Vocals/VO: Vanessa McLaughlin, Daniel McLaughlin, Santiago Cammarano, Emilia Cammarano, Andres Otero, Esteban Otero, Bethany Garver, Shalia Palis, Shafik Palis, Khalil Palis, Nashua Palis Guitars: Daniel Jimenez Afanador, Alvaro Ramos, BJ Block, Koran Agan Keys: Joaquín Fernandez, Gary Fukushima Violin: Andrea Hammond Horns Ramón Benitez, Dante Vargas Bass: Dustin Morgan, Luis Angel "El Papa" Pastor, Garth Stevenson Drums: Brian McLaughlin Percussion: Armando Arce, Brian McLaughlin Programing: Brian McLaughlin, Shafik Palis Recorded by: Daniel Jimenez Afanador (DJA Studios/Civil Defense Studios) assisted by Oliver Jung and Steve Wessing, Shafik Palis (Golden Door Productions), Miles Senzaki (Grandma's Dojo) Mixed by: Shafik Palis (Golden Door Productions) Mastered by: Oscar Zambrano (Zampol Productions) Album Art: Hattie Hyder